use tui::style::{Color, Style}; use tui::widgets::{Block, List, ListItem}; pub struct Info { info: String, keys: String, } impl Info { pub fn new(info: &str) -> Self { Self { info: String::from(info), keys: String::from( "Tab Cycle widgets C-s Save C-r Reload C-q Quit ↑ ↓ Select tags or image line Return Select", ), } } pub fn render(&self) -> List { let items = vec![ ListItem::new(, ListItem::new(self.keys.clone()), ]; List::new(items) .block(Block::default()) .style(Style::default().fg(Color::White).bg(Color::Black)) .highlight_style(Style::default().bg(Color::Black)) } /// set a text to display pub fn set_text(&mut self, info: &str) { = String::from(info); } /// print a text to display pub fn set_info(&mut self, text: &dyn std::fmt::Display) { = format!("{}", text); } }